Clinic telephone number for cancellations: 07498206953 *Please leave a message*

Book an Appointment

Take a look at some of the assessment types available below. If you are not sure of your problem, please scroll down this page and click on a physiotherapist to select an initial assessment. If you are already a client and wish to book a follow up appointment, please scroll down to find your physiotherapist and follow the link to book with them.

Stress Incontinence

1 hour assessment of bladder leakage with coughing, sneezing and exercise.

Level 1 Physio : £95 (1.5hrs)
Level 2 Physio : £95 (1hr)
Level 3 Physio : £105 (1hr)
Level 4 Physio : £105 (1hr)

Book Assessment

Bladder Urgency

1 hour assessment of bladder urgency and urge incontinence symptoms.

Level 1 Physio : £95 (1.5hrs)
Level 2 Physio : £95 (1hr)
Level 3 Physio : £105 (1hr)
Level 4 Physio : £105 (1hr)

Book Assessment

Bowel Assessment

1 hour assessment of the bowel: constipation, urgency & incontinence.

Level 3 Physio : £105 (1hr)
Level 4 Physio : £105 (1hr)

Book Assessment

Pelvic Pain

1 hour assessment of pelvic pain, pain with intercourse & pain related to endometriosis.

Level 3 Physio : £105 (1hr)
Level 4 Physio : £105 (1hr)

Book Assessment


1 hour assessment of any pregnancy related concern.

Level 1 Physio : £95 (1.5hrs)
Level 2 Physio : £95 (1hr)
Level 3 Physio : £105 (1hr)
Level 4 Physio : £105 (1hr)

Book Assessment

Post Natal

1 hour assessment ideally at 6 weeks after childbirth.

Level 1 Physio : £95 (1.5hrs)
Level 2 Physio : £95 (1hr)
Level 3 Physio : £105 (1hr)
Level 4 Physio : £105 (1hr)

Book Assessment

Wellbeing Screening

1hour 15minute pelvic health screening. 

£120 with any level physio

Book Assessment


Novuqare MAPLe pelvic floor assessment and treatment. Please Book an initial assessment first and then discuss MAPLe with your physiotherapist.

What do the physiotherapy levels mean?

Here at Gillian McCabe Physiotherapy Ltd, we have a team of physiotherapists available to help you on your journey to better pelvic health. Each physiotherapist is on their own journey to learning more about pelvic health and increasing in their clinical & professional experience. From training level up to highly specialised, each physiotherapist will be able to help you in their own specific way.

Our Physiotherapists

If you know which physiotherapist you would like to see, please use the specific links below.

Gillian McCabe

Level 4 Physiotherapist

Book with Gillian

Kathryn Davies

Level 3 Physiotherapist

Book with Kathryn

Shakira Hassan

Level 3 Physiotherapist

Book with Shakira

Lucy Thomas

Level 2 Physiotherapist

Book with Lucy

Rhiannon Davey

Level 2 Physiotherapist

Rhiannon is currently away from clinic and on Maternity Leave. Any queries, please contact the team at [email protected]

Which physiotherapist should I choose?

Click on each drop-down menu below and take a look at our physiotherapists' skills & expertise to find out who is best suited to your needs. If you are not sure, contact us by email [email protected]

Gillian is a highly specialist pelvic health physiotherapist with a focus on pelvic floor dysfunction relating to the following conditions & needs:

  • Pelvic floor & core health screening (no symptoms required)
  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Bladder urgency, overactivity & incomplete emptying
  • Pelvic organ prolapse & laxity
  • Bowel incontinence, frequency, urgency & incomplete emptying
  • Painful intercourse
  • Chronic pelvic pain including endometriosis, adenomyosis & bladder pain syndromes
  • Bowel prolapse
  • Menopause-related pelvic health issues
  • Post natal rehabilitation and return to fitness
  • Antenatal musculoskeletal problems and continence

 Gillian also offers bespoke high definition pelvic floor diagnostics and treatment via the Novuqare MAPLe device. With this device, Gillian can offer you electromyographic biofeedback of pelvic floor conditions and electrical stimulation of pelvic floor overactivity or underactivity.

Gillian is also qualified in offering low level laser therapy for pain, healing and tension-related nerve pain via the Omega Laser device.

Shakira offers specialist pelvic health assessments and treatments including:

Mother-to-be package of assessment and 2 follow up treatments in pregnancy.

New Mother Post Natal Pit Stop Package of Assessment at 6 weeks post natal and 2 follow up treatments.

Motherhood package of 2 assessments (one in pregnancy and one after delivery) plus 4 follow up treatments.

A post natal pilates class and 1:1 Pilates training.

Shakira can help you with the treatment and management of pelvic health issues such as:

  • Incontinence
  • Prolapse
  • Overactive Bladder
  • Diastasis Rectus Abdominis Muscle (DRAM)
  • Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain and back pain
  • Post Natal Rehabilitation

Kathryn is a pelvic health physiotherapist with a focus on pelvic floor dysfunction & core health screening (no symptoms required). Kathryn is able to help you treat and manage the following pelvic health issues:

  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Bladder urgency, overactivity & incomplete emptying
  • Pelvic organ prolapse & laxity
  • Post natal rehabilitation and return to fitness
  • Antenatal musculoskeletal problems and continence issues

Lucy is a fully qualified physiotherapist and also a pelvic health physiotherapist. Lucy has worked in both the NHS and private practice and brings her expertise to the management of stress urinary incontinence, antenatal care, post natal rehabilitation and musculoskeletal dysfunctions.

Rhiannon Davey is a musculoskeletal & pelvic health physiotherapist. Rhiannon is also an experienced Pilates instructor. Rhiannon offers 1-1 appointments & physio-led Pilates classes.

1-1 sessions:

  • Any musculoskeletal problem
  • Antenatal & postnatal rehabilitation
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence
  • Pelvic floor screening for prevention of future problems

Pilates classes:

  • Pregnancy Classes
  • Beginner & Improver Classes

PLEASE NOTE: As of April 2024 Rhiannon is currently on Maternity Leave and her booking diary will be closed for the foreseeable future. Please access the other physiotherapy diaries at this time. If you are a client of Rhiannon's and have a query, please contact Gillian by email [email protected]

Which Appointment Type Should I Select?

We have a number of appointment options and packages that you can book. Take a look at the information below and select the option that you feel best suits your needs. If you are not sure, simply select an initial assessment and we can discuss your options when you arrive in the clinic.

The Initial Assessment is a great option for those new to physiotherapy.

This assessment takes approximately 1 hour and is offered by all our physiotherapists.

The content of the assessment will vary according to your needs. Your physiotherapist will chat with you about your symptoms or concerns. Following this, they will ask you specific questions relating to your circumstances.

After all the information has been gathered, your physiotherapist will physically assess the appropriate areas relating to your concern. This may be a spinal assessment if you have back pain, an internal vaginal examination if you have pelvic floor, prolapse or bladder symptoms or  ossibly an anorectal examination if your main concern relates to your bowel.

We have follow up appointments for reviews of your progress and treatment of specific problems. These range from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.

The length of your follow up appointment will depend on what you need. If you feel that you just need one issue reviewed / treated then a 30-45 minute appointment will be plenty of time.

However, if you are experiencing more complex or wide ranging symptoms, or if you would prefer to take more time in your session (useful for those traveling longer distances for treatment), then please select a longer follow up session.

In order to book a follow up appointment, you must have attended for an initial assessment or wellbeing screening first.

If it is some time (more than 12 months) since your last appointment with our physiotherapists, it's worth booking a 60 minute session so that we have time to discuss and assess any changes since you last came in.

For women who have no symptoms as such but would like to check their core and pelvic floor function in order to prevent future problems, this assessment covers all necessary areas.

All our physiotherapists are able to provide this service and are more than happy to be guided by you as to the focus of the session.

In the majority of cases, we take a look at your bladder, bowel, gynaecological and spinal function. We ask you questions relating to normal function and discuss any issues that may arise.

The physical assessment includes a review of your posture, breathing mechanics, abdominal function, gluteal and lower back function and finally your pelvic floor function.

At the end of the session, you will be provided with advice and information relating to our findings. You will also receive a plan of action with exercises, lifestyle changes and other interventions that you may find really useful.

The MAPLe follow up appointment is specifically for those who have started MAPLe pelvic floor training.

In order to assess whether MAPLe Training is right for you, please book an initial assessment first and then your physiotherapist can take you through your options.

Our Connections

We are based in Station House Health & Wellbeing in St Nicholas, Vale of Glamorgan. There are various health care practitioners also based in this location. Here are some we affiliate with closely for the rehabilitation of our clients. You can also find out more about our co-practitioners at

We love working alongside Specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Jilly Bond. Find out more about Jilly below. You can book with her via her website and you can find out more about the Pelvic Pain Network here.
We also work closely with Lowri Culley of Lowri, Mind Body Soul Strength. Lowri is a female specific personal trainer and myofascial release specialist. You can find her contact details at

Frequently Asked Questions about Bookings

Do you accept health insurance policies?
Please note that we do not accept health insurance unless on a cash back scheme. If you are registered with companies such as AXAPPP, BUPA & AVIVA, you need to check that your policy allows this form of payment. Companies such as Simply Health, Benenden and Cash4Health are already set up for cash back schemes.

How does a cash back insurance scheme work?
If you have a cash back insurance policy, you pay upfront for the cost of your appointment and request a full invoice receipt from your physiotherapist. This is sent to you by email following payment. You can then send the receipt to your insurance company and they will organise a refund of all or part of the cost of physiotherapy (level of remuneration will depend on your policy).

Do I have to pre-pay for appointments?
Our online booking system allows pre-payment fbut if you donot opt to pay when booking in, you can pay by card or contactless when you attend the clinic for your appointment. Please note we do not accept cash payments.

How long are the appointments?
Each initial assessment usually lasts one hour and follow-up treatments are 30-60 minutes. The Wellbeing Screening appointment usually lasts 1.25 hours.

Will I receive a booking confirmation?
Yes. Please check your junk mail if you do not receive the booking confirmation. If it is not in your junk mail then your booking may not have been completed or you may have entered an incorrect email address. Please contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns. You will also receive a reminder email 3 days prior to your appointment.

Do you have a cancellation policy?
Yes. Our clinics are very busy and we usually have a waiting list for cancellation slots. It is important to contact us as soon as you know that you are unable to attend. If you cancel with more than 24 hours notice the cancellation is free of charge. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged £25 for a 30 minute slot and £45 for a 45-60 minute slot. If you do not attend your appointment and do not contact us prior to the appointment start time, you will be charged the full cost of the appointment. You can easily cancel online using your booking confirmation / reminder. Alternatively, please email [email protected] to inform us of your need to cancel / reschedule.

Do I need to wear or bring anything in particular to the appointment?
It's important that you feel comfortable during your appointment. Some of our assessments require movement of the pelvis, back and hips. It is worth wearing or bringing clothes that are easy to move in. Pelvic assessments also usually include an internal vaginal or rectal assessment (depending on your needs), you do not need to wear anything in particular for this part of the assessment. If you have consultant or other practitioner letters or reports, they can be useful. You can either bring them with you or take a photo and email them to your therapist.

How many appointments will I need?
This is a difficult question to answer without first completing a thorough assessment. It is unlikely that you will only need one appointment, unless you are attending for a pelvic health screening appointment. Most uncomplicated cases will require between 4-6 appointments. More complex cases may require 8 or more sessions. Clients with long term conditions may require ongoing treatments into the future at a timescale that suits their needs. We have a policy of treating the person infront of us. We do not limit our time in relation to preconceived protocols. Our aim is to move you towards your goals as efficiently as possible but we will work at your pace and in relation to how your mind and body progress.

How often will I need to attend?
Again, this will depend on your needs. Some clients will need to attend every week, others every fortnight and others every 4-6 weeks. We also offer 3, 6 monthly or annual reviews to help you keep on top of your pelvic health. You may also need to be referred to other practitioners for assessment, treatment or investigation. Physiotherapy treatment may continue in parallel with this or you may need to pause physiotherapy and return following other interventions.

What other specialists do you work alongside?
At Station House Health & Wellbeing, we offer a variety of health-related treatments. We often work alongside massage therapists, fitness specialists, nutritionists, dietitians, psychotherapists, counsellors and educators. There are profiles of all our therapists at - take a look and click their links to find out more.



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